Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cain & Able Genesis 4:1-9 10/24/99

Cain & Able Genesis 4:1-9 10/24/99
Track 880 man, worst 880 man

Did not care, did not apply myself, was not thinking

Cain wasn't thinking either, Cain was did not apply tp himself
He was not spiritually engaged
Was not paying attention to what worship was about
It was about this ego, his value, bot God's

Jesus turns over the tables of the money changers
Providing a needed product for sacrifice
Were not paying attention to what worship was about

Now there are times when you may not be thinking of God/Duality
Can't do it every minute of the day
Sometimes it is sacrilegious to think about God [chiefs]
This is the ebb & floe of life
Have those times: go to the party, hand with friends
But find those times when your heart is engaged with the work of the Lord

In newcomer's class, we cover prayers, presence, gifts & service
Serve in some capacity, give as you have been given to
Be present hen not sick or out of town
Praying...being spiritually engaged
Pray once per week, pray for the church
Be engaged with an attitude that sees the good

Those who are unable to do so are forever stuck arguing over carpet color
What we are doing here is not about us...It is about worshipping God

Whether we are leading a Bible study or painting a wall
having a heart that is engaged makes all the difference
the task comes alive

Are you spiritually engaged when you come to church
Are you awake when you come to church
Does your heart join in the prayers/Does your voice join in the ssongd

Pay attention to why you are here for:
Yes visit with friends, but remember your purpose, remember focus

Story of Allen Anderson
I invite you to help make this place great
by becoming a great person
Be spiritually engaged

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