Thursday, May 14, 2009

Give Thanks, Part 5 Jonah2:1-10 11-30-08

Give Thanks, Part 5 Jonah2:1-10

General Jonah stuff

Can you be swallowed by a fist?
If God can make a world and a human body, I can conceive a situation where you live in a fishes belly in an air bubble for three days.
The unbelievable part of this story to me is not that he was swallowed by a fist, but that it takes him three days to come back to God

Things that I am thankful for in this story
Number one: God doesn't ask us to be perfect, just willing
You have to love the humanness of Jonah
  1. is close enough to God to be called to serve
    he is asked to make in investment int he lives of others
  2. runs away
  3. has a change of heart in the belly of the fish
    MU-KU I saw faces of despair
    Despair is not about who is winning or losing a football game
    Despair is knowing that I am separated from God
    Jonah has a change of heart
A great saint once learned a lesson from an anonymous beggar. "God give you a good day, my friend," the saint said as he met the beggar. "I thank God I never had a bad day, "the beggar quickly answered, "I thank God I am never unhappy."

now the saint was curious..."Never unhappy," he said. "What do you mean?"

"Well," the beggar replied, "when it is fine, I thank God; when it rains, I thank God; when I have plenty, I thank God; when I am hungry, I thank God; and since God's will is my will, and whatever pleases him pleases me, why should I say that I am unhappy when I am happy when I am not?"

the saint was now in awe of his new friend. "who are you?" he asked.

"I am a king," said the beggar. "A king!" said the saint, half ready to believe it. "Where is your kingdom?" The man in rags spoke calmly, strongly, "In my heart," he whispered. "In my heart."

  1. preaches to the to the ninevites
  2. is unhappy about their conversion
see the cycle of faithful, faithless. Belief, doubt. Trust them resistance.
man can you relate to that? Good news, bad news
I am good, I am bad. I am on , I am off. I am solid, then I am a mess
The spirit and the flesh that Paul spoke of are still struggling for control

Second thing I am thankful for in this's not about deliverance

Jonah didn't even know if he was going to get out
He was just grateful of God
But from the belly of trouble, he gave thanks
There are no strings attached.
I love you no matter what
What does it say of our relationships if there are strings attached
I will love you as long as you give me Royals tickets
I will love you as long as you treat me nice
I will love you as long as you keep me healthy and wealthy
I am not sure that we really have a relationship at all with God until we love him with no strings attached
When strings are attached, it is on our terms

He is not praying to get out of the fishes belly
He wants to be a part of the work, the plan
Verse 4, 7, 9
He is just grateful

Henry Nouwen wrote on the Power of gratefulness...he once suggested that the purest, simplest holiday may be Thanksgiving. Christmas is distorted by a society that promotes consumer madness. Even Easter is overshadowed by chocolate bunnies and new finery.

It has been said that gratefulness is the very heart, and so to truly observe Thanksgiving is to engage in fervent prayer.

We cannot attain a state of gratitude by presenting God with a list of things we think we should feel grateful for, but by presenting ourselves and our desire to know God more closely.

Third thing I like about this picture, God places a desire in the heart to help others - sometimes you just want to help

A gererous heart overcomes its humanness and goes out to a person in need

Not all hearts go out...some hearts are self consumed. Consumed with self.

8. "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.

To the extent that we love something inappropriately, out of balance, we are robbing ourselves, forfeiting the grace that could have been ours

A pastor told the following story...Johnny Bergman was a young man in my congregation. He and his wife were enthusiastic participants, but then the weeds of worldly care choked their young faith. They acquired children; they became suddenly wealthy and their lives filled up with boats and cars, house-building and social engagements. They were in worship less and less frequently and then not at all. After a two-year absence, on a bright winter Sunday, Johnny was there again. Surprised to see him, I said "Johnny! What brought you to worship today?" He said, "I woke this morning feeling so good, so blessed, so alive--so created--I just had to say thank you, and this is the only plave I could think to say it adequately. I wanted to say it to Jesus."

We come to this place to say thinks - to put our lives in perspective.

When a heart goes out to another two needs are met..
the need of the person who received and
the need of the person who gives

Ringing the bell for the salvation army
Watching generosity flow from the hearts of people

You see, God puts the hands of the called into the path of the needy
God brings people into your life so that you can make an investment in theirs

Phone call this week...I want to help someone

We are the most alive when we are reaching out in love to another person.

I received an email this week...The Charles Schultz's philosophy [not really]

  1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
  2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
  3. Name the last five winners of miss America
  4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel of Pulitzer Prize
  5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.
  6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners
How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here is another quiz

  1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
  2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
  3. Name five people who have taught your something worthwhile.
  4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special
  5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
the lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not theones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. They are the ones who reached out to you...they made an investment in you

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia" (Charles Schultz)

today, Let us, the imperfect, make an investment int he lives of those around us. Let us be comprehensively, completely, unreservedly inspite of circumstances grateful to God.

Chesterton wrote..."You say grace before meals, "All right.
but I say grace before the movie and the evening news,
I say grace before the concert and sporting event,
I say grace before I open a book,
And grace before sketching, painting, working, mowing
Swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing,
I say grace before I dip the pen in the ink."

I am comprehensively overwhelmed with gratitude for life itself.

In the aftermath of World War II, a husband and wife were getting ready to go to a memorial service for the son of friends of theirs. The man had been killed in the service. His family was dedicating a window in the church to this young man who had lost his life. The window cost $50,000.
"What a beautiful thing to do in honor of their son, "the wife said to her husband. Suddenly, she turned around with an ashen look on her face and said, "What are we going to give?"
"What are you talking about?" he said. "We don't need to give anything, Our son came back and alive and safe."
"That's exactly what I mean," she pressed. "Our friends lost their son, and they are giving $50,000. We got our son back, and we are not giving anything?"

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