Thursday, April 2, 2009

Who is worthy? Corinthians 15:1-11 8/31/97

Who is worthy? Corinthians 15:1-11 8/31/97

this sermon was requested's not my fault...I should take responsibility
stories that should never be told
worst thing that I ever did...chear ontaxes in 1979..$200 bill
does this action disqualify me from being a christian?
seminary student...I wondered if they were going to throw me out

Seminary at ORU...stories that should never be told
Richard Roberts and the can of coke
Richard and the divorce...the magazine that never went out
Oral humilate a student in front of 5.000
Oral and the caprice classic logo
1940's evangelist...Amy...affair, disappeared
some of the people that you see on TV in KC...I know stories on
You know the other stories...Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart
Paul persecuted the church...sought & killed Christians

Do these action disqualify these people from working for the Lord
someone will think I am hypocrite...well?
Are we not all broken? are we not all in need of grace?
If you are going to wait until you are perfect to show the love of God, it will never get done

Truth is, we are unworthy
but the grace of God goes out
O the grace of God...the fogiving siithing power that heals the broken heart

does this mean that only those who have problems work out well in the K of God?
should you do get on drugs so that you can see the grace of God work? No
acceptance, ministry and acts of love and caring are not based on you
they are based on the grace of God
It is the message, not the messenger that is important
It is the grace and power of God that is important. not our self-righteousness

God calls all of us to acts of ministry
to love and serve others in his world
In the work of God, everyday is labor day
do not resist others attempts to serve because they are not perfect
do not hold back yourself from serving the Lord because you are not perfect.

Let us get our mind on the work of the Lord and off of people

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