Monday, March 30, 2009

Life Is Worth Loving 03/01/09 1Peter 3:8-12

Life Is Worth Loving 1Peter3:8-12 03/01/09

8Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 9Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10For, whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. 11He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. 12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against whose who do evil.

dear friends, this is the word of the Lord, may God sent this holy spirit to bless it to our hearts as we gather in his name

Lent Begin....40 Days of Love
3-1-09 Sermon series: "about a loving God" bbb

Gos has shown his love for us by giving us a life that is worth loving.

Your life. Do you see the blessing that God has given to you, or do you not?
Sometimes circumstances do not make this so easy

Sometimes life doesn't feel like it is worth living
Sometimes we get stuck on all the wrong

And these is plenty of wrong
Sickness, financial woes, hatefulness, worry and rejection. Car wrecks, cancer,
We wonder why do bad things happen to children or any of our loved ones.

It is very easy to hand our heads and be frustrated.
If is very easy to forget that like is a great gift from God.

We can't always blame the circumstances...Some people are negative...they just can't see any good, any time, anywhere.

Hunting dog p46 Taking Flights
A man took his new hunting dog our on a trial hunt. Presently he shot a dick that fell into the lake. The dog walked our over the water, picked up the duck and brought it to his master.

The man was flabbergasted! He shot another duck. Once again, while he rubbed his eyes in disbelief, the dog walked over the water and retrieved the duck.

Hardly daring to believer that he had seen, he called his neighbor for a shoot the following day. Once again, each time he or his neighbor hit a bird, the dog would walk over the water and bring the bird in; The man said nothing. Neither did his neighbor. Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, he blurted out, "Did you notice anything strange about my new dog?"

The neighbor rubbed his chin prenively, "Yes," he finally said, "Come to think of it, I did! You have bought a bird dag that can't swim!"

For some people, there is a lot of good going on around them, but the just can't see it.

Always unhappy, the glass is always half empty. Everyone cringes when these folks are coming because it is the same old pile of complaints. They are a walking self-fulfilling prophecy. They are gripped by anger, bitterness, and negativity. They just can'e see the good in life. An one one wants to hang with them

Transition-we have a choice to see the blessing of this life
And to see the acts of a loving God in giving us this life.

The scripture tells us that thoses who would love life must keep their tongue from evil
  • What does that mean? - not just to close the mouth....
  • But to understand that when we choose to be negative about something it just pulls us further down....
  • it means that we have to understand that we have a chouce and we can't be negative and joyful at the same time
10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. James 3:10
  • It means that we must replace negative, evil speech with something googg
Are things good or are they bad? We must decide.

The Hippie ont he bus
a man got into a bus and found himself sitting next to a hippie. He was wearing only one shoe. You've evidently lost a shoe, son. No replied the hippie, I found one.

Everyone has their own little collection of suffering...are you missing a shoe or are you fortunate to have one shoe? do you take lemons and make lemonade?

My wife travels. At first i was lonley all the time.
Then I read about being alone but not lonely
When she is gone, I an not gonna complain.
It wastes the evenings that God has given.
We need to see the good parts and celebrate

She comes home, the neurotic dog goes nuts. He lives on circumstances
I wait my turn
Then I step up and hug her. I am loving this life
Even in difficult times, we can be whole
It starts with seeing God even in times of trouble

Do you see God's love given to you in the gift of this life?
This is the positive way of living

This is more than just not being negative...
This who would love life must refocus, off of evil, on to good
instead of focuing on the bad-the scripture says
  • love as brothers----make friends
  • be compassionate and humble-hae a good heart
  • seek to live a life of pease with God
In the face of difficulty, be a blessing
whe you see you like is a blessing you are able to be a blessing to others

What are the blessings of life? millions

What are the beautiful things?
Flowers, stars, children, life, love
Sunset...chasing the sunset

I am not asking you to see the glass half empty or half full
I am asking you to see God as present and active in the world
It's a simple turning from seeing what is wrong with everything, to seeing God's active loving presence in the world.

I am not saying that like is full of miracles; I am saying that like is a miracle.
And once we stop taking it for granted weill see it at one.

God has given us the great gif of like...we choose whether to bad mount it or celebrate it. and that chhoice will make all the difference in the world.

The story of the music box. Nothing changes except him.

Note cards to pick up and tell others about a loving God.

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