Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:14-17 8-18-96

What is the Bible? 8-18-96 2 Tim. 3:14-17

What is the Bible? What is it for?
Pat answers....Bible Word of God...Inspired...infallible....
How people use it that show their true respect for Bible

Not a toy to be played with
Judas went out and hung himself
Go thou and do likewise
what you do do quickly

age 15, 666 Henry Kissinger

Pulling verses out of context
That the scriptures are a roadmap for prosperity
That knowing them makes you better than someone else

What is the context of Bible

Teachings...not everyone can do all of it
But where would we be without it?
We are finding out....
we are seeing what happens when young people grow up w/o biblical values
We must teach these principles if we have any hope of living by them

Therefore, I am pleased to announce in addition to Sunday School,
a program to teach our children the Bible
Too many eggs in basked.....this needs to be one that we make room for

The Bible is God's book
it's purpose is to lead people to him...to help people find him
Wesley's quote....give me that book

Jer. 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me,
when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

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