Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We Care Sunday Matthew 19:15-17 10-22-95

We Care Sunday Matthew 19:15-17

The movie hook.....Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.....Lost Boys grow up to be Lost Men.

Alli lost at school on Grandparents Day.

It was about 3 weeks ago...7:30 phone rings...Danny McMurtrey...paramedics...driving to the hospital...too long of a drive to the hospital. O God, no. Don't let this happen. Sorry prayers these are.

I used to be a do you describe what it was like when I was a kid? When I was 3, (mud & cockleburr story...Mom & McDonalds guy). Sometimes I still want to be a kid.

Last night I had a dream...I missed an old friend...I wanted to cry...I wanted my momma.

There is still a kid inside of each of us...there just aren't enough parents to go around.

Alli & Jenny & Scott are my kids...Danny is my kid too. So is Austin Boehm, Emily Carpenter, ..., ..., ..., Barb Fuelberth, Bob Lee, and Lou Graff. They are all my kids. And they are all your kids. God gave them to us, so that we could help take care of them. We are all their fathers, and their mothers. And they are all my fathers and mothers.

God gave us to each other so that we could find the way. So that we could enjoy the gift of life. So that we could pick the cockleburrs out of each other. God gave us to each other so that little kids everywhere, even the ones in old bodies, would know that they are loved.

We Care kids. I see them in the halls. I say hello. When they ask, I give them gumballs. When they ask, I give them a hug. Sometimes I tell them to stop running. Don't try to turn every single into a double. What a wonderful thing, this community of faith. We care about each other. We see the burning need for love, and we give it. We will never be alone, as long as we remember that God has given us to each other.

Jesus said, "Suffer the little ones to come unto me, and forbid them not." What a great idea. What a needed thing. Let us never forget that.

All people are God's people. There is something good, something worth loving, in everyone. We must take care of our children. There is a little child within all of us.

It is the only way to think and live. It is the right way. It is God's way.

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