Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pressing a Little Harder Luke 8:43-48 9-22-2996

Pressing a Little Harder 9-22-96 Luke 8:43-48

Last week....the power to become the sons of God
this week....how do you get the power?

woman....she's got a problem
is belief enough?

she saw the odds.... woman , sick, crowds
did not sit and cry
pressed in to touch him

can't just sit around and complain
world of whiners
historic criminals vs modern day criminals

football story....2 on 1....dislocated pinkie
you don't get a vacation from the problems of life just because your pinkie is out
you have to go after what you want

John Cundiff

we want the easy way....all of the blessings....none of the work

you have a problem
-self esteem.....seek help
-guilt.....get up and go to church
-relationship with God....pray through

you have a problem?
get determined....you have to want the solution
be tenacious....persevering
now he's ending.....it's so shallow.....it doesn't always work
yes it does
but we don't always get the power for what we want

cancer patient quote

power of God is there for whatever the problem is
press in and touch him
in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Amen

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