Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sacrifice Self and Look to Others Phillipians2:1-8 7-7-96

In scripture, Paul encourages Phillippians to scarifice needs of self and look to others Dr. Menzies..."let's be unscriptural"
Read Scriptural
This is the word of the Lord

Mover...Independence Day...threat to country from without
Look around at reality...greatest threat is that which comes from within

Americans at their worst have become bombers, vigilantes, gang members, child abductors, burners of black church
all at their best it seems that all many of us can do is to run the reace
the one with the most toys at the end wins
Is there not toher reason to live?

Cathy's 15 year class reunion...American Legion Hall
stood outside, surveyed the night
quiet night in Olathe...moon shone, 1-35, Sonic, Go-Chicken-Go
eyes dropped to the scene in front of me

on grounds of American Legion Post
flags of every branch of the service
155mm howitzer cannon used in Vietman
In the center, the red, white & blue
Though struck me...these gave their time, their youth, their lives so that we could have all this

It is a fact that those who do not work for what they get...appreciate it less
that the easy way to do things is rarely the right way to do things
that the line of least resistance rarely delivers long term satisfaction

Are we thinking of others in our daily living...or just living for ourselves
Disc of children...Folks we can't always do the fun stuff
someone must teach them boundaries
Money...why is it that so many of us don't want to make a living this year?
we want to make it this week

KKK Rally...supporters got upset...broke thru fences
KKK man cameras get there to find he is bring sheltered by black woner
Irony here
Woman says...somewhere it has got to stop

It is time that we think again about sacrifice
It is time that we look to the time honored traditions that made America great
It is time that we look to the example of Jesus Christ and remember that we are only free when our souls are free to love others
Self sacrafice central there in Christian faith
Christian Self sacrifice made American great
Christian Self sacrifice will keep American great

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