Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Little Touched John 9:1-11 July 12, 1998

A Little Touched July 12, 1998 John 9: 1-11

There is something wrong with the people around us
they're a little touched
list of sayings from office file
letter I got in the mail
Does there have to be something wrong with everyone?

The man born blind
God must be punishing him
no....that 's not the point
rain falls on the just and the unjust
God wants to show his power
In any event, God wants to show his power

Why does God do things the way he does? it sure is strange
waited years to heal him
mixed spit with mud on the ground
maybe the point is--we are not supposed to be figuring it all out, just worshipping

after he is healed, no one believes he is him
hey, I'm the one, touched by God
How much change has Jesus made in your life?

It doesn't matter what they think about you or what they say
I may never be as good as they are, but on thank God I am better than I was
being around Jesus is a good thing....it's the only thing
being touched by him is beyond valuing
find a place to pray, thank him for his touch, ask for his continued working with you

let's not spend our time drowning those who are worse off than we are
let's not spend our time denying the power of God
Let's not spend our time explaining why others have not been touched by God

Let's be glad for everyone who has been touched,
let's be glad for the touch of God
maybe some day it can come out way

It's wonderful and exciting when God touches people
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see
I may

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